Welcome to our little slice of Heaven!

Officially, room 1729 Mrs. Priesmeyer's classroom. It's the home of In Flight Online Magazine, 3 Digital Graphics and Animation classes, and one Desktop Publishing class.
Unofficially, it's where the magic happens!

Friday, February 10, 2012

A sweet view!

press pic 7
 by Emily Priesmeyer
The view from 1729 was a little sweeter than an average day on Feb. 8th!  Ann Wehrman’s Banking and Financial Services class packaged and delivered over 1,000 Gigi’s cupcakes to students, teachers, and other school personnel to complete the final phase of a small business project.
Wehrman’s students teamed up with Gigi’s Cupcakes in Kingwood for the business venture.

cropped gigis box

Students met with Gigi’s Cupcake’s franchise owner,Jerry Rowell, to learn how the business operates and plan a partnership for a fundraiser. Students developed a business plan that would bring five of Gigi’s most popular flavors to Eagleland and bring much needed funds to special education programs at Atascocita High School. A $2 donation included delivery of a cupcake to a friend.

1,000 cupcakes arrive at AHS, ready to be packaged and delivered.

cropped kid working with cupcakes

Banking and Financial Services students sorted cupcakes by flavor. Tables filled with White Midnight Magic, and Birthday Surprise cupcakes (left) were packaged individually.

Tags and ribbons were attached to each cupcake to be delivered to lucky recipients (below).


cupcake deliveryStudents received sweet treats, and the special education department received an $800 donation.  Congratulations to Mrs. Wehrman’s first period Banking and Financial Services class.  You make the view from 1729 sweeter!

photos by Alex Hoffpauir and Emily Priesmeyer

1 comment:

  1. I love the post. The pictures are perfect. Thanks for writing our story. Now I have something for them to do on Monday - read your blog!
