Welcome to our little slice of Heaven!

Officially, room 1729 Mrs. Priesmeyer's classroom. It's the home of In Flight Online Magazine, 3 Digital Graphics and Animation classes, and one Desktop Publishing class.
Unofficially, it's where the magic happens!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Whew! We've been so busy!

Desktop Publishing and In Flight
Students learned to compose portraits and appropriate pictures for social media.  Students also learned to compose forced perspective photos and style food for a delicious pic!

Drew F., In Flight Magazine

Stephanie B. , In Flight Magazine

Courtney P., Desktop Publishing

Lauren M., Desktop Publishing

In Flight Magazine

Service to the school
In cooperation with Associate Principal Mr. Nasra, a team of four senior In Flight staff members (Bre B., Alex H., Emily C., and Fernando C.) created an informational video to welcome new students to AHS.  The video shows students how the enrollment process works and what forms they need to complete for enrollment.
Watch the video here!

Digital Graphics and Animation

DGA student drew interpolated rotoscoping samples on a photograph to create a look similar to the movie A Scanner Darkly, and Charles Schwab commercials.  You can click here to see them!
Sound Editing
DGA students learned to capture and edit sound using Adobe Audition. Listen to some awesome music mashups here!

Do you hear what I hear?

Sound Editing

Digital Graphics and Animation students learned how to create and edit sound in Adobe Audition CS5.5. In addition to editing speech and special effects sounds, students learned to edit music to create a mashup of songs.
Give 'em a listen here!